Postdoc in the Nutt lab at WEHI, Melbourne
Project: Decoding tissue-resident immune cell communication.
I am studying how immune cells communicate with the other cells around them to keep tissues healthy and attack cancer. I mostly study immune cells in the breast, because they are so important for normal breast development and function, and have a huge influence on cancer outcomes.
NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
Jack Brockhoff Foundation early career researcher
2nd place, 2022 Nikon Small World for ‘Breast tissue showing contractile myoepithelial cells wrapped around milk-producing alveoli’.
17th place, 2018 Nikon Small World for ‘Breast tissue in lactation’.
22nd place, 2019 Nikon Small World for ‘Myoepithelial cells wrapped around milk-producing alveoli in a lactating mouse’.
24th place, 2021 Nikon Small World for ‘Epithelial cells covering the intestine villi’.
Top 100, 2019 Nikon Small World for ‘The macrophage network of the intestinal villi’.
Top 100, 2020 Close-up Photographer of the Year for ‘Breast alveoli in lactation.’
People’s Choice Award, 2019 WEHI Art of Science for ‘Involution’.
3rd place, 2019 WEHI Art of Science for ‘Journey through a mammary duct’.
1st place, 2018 WEHI Art of Science for ‘Breast Cancer Exploration’.
1st place, 2017 WEHI Art of Science for ‘Bloom’ (with Bianca Capaldo).
People’s Choice Award, 2017 Day of Immunology Scientific Photography Exhibition for ‘Guardians of the Intestinal Villi’.
PhD student and postdoc
Supervisors: Jane Visvader, Anne Rios and Geoff Lindeman
Project: Investigation of mammary gland development and resident macrophages using 3D and intravital imaging.
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. (Honours)
Supervisor: Samir Taoudi
Project: Investigating the formation of fetal platelets.
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.
Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry)
The University of Melbourne
Dawson, Pal, Vaillant, Gandolfo, Liu, Bleriot, Ginhoux, Smyth, Lindeman, Mueller, Rios and Visvader (2020) Tissue-resident ductal macrophages survey the mammary epithelium and facilitate tissue remodelling. Nature Cell Biology, 22, 546–558.
Dawson, Mueller, Lindeman, Rios and Visvader. (2020) Intravital miroscopy of dynamic singl-cell behaviour in mouse mammary tissue. Nature Protocols, 16, 1907–1935.
Dawson and Visvader. (2021) The cellular organization of the mammary gland: Insights from microscopy. J Mammary Gland Biol Neopl, 16, 1907–1935.
Potts, Farley, Dawson, Rimes, Biben, de Graaf, Potts, Stonehouse, Carmagnac, Gangatirkar, Josefsson, Anttila, Amann-Zalcenstein, Naik, . Alexander, Hilton, Hawkins, and Taoudi (2020) Membrane budding is a major mechanism of in vivo platelet biogenesis. Journal of Experimental Medicine 217 (9): e20191206
Rios, Capaldo, Vaillant, Pal, van Ineveld, Dawson, Chen, Nolan, Fu, DTCLSM Group, Jackling, Devi, Clouston, Whitehead, Smyth, Mueller, Lindeman and Visvader (2019) Intraclonal Plasticity in Mammary Tumors Revealed through Large-Scale Single-Cell Resolution 3D Imaging. Cancer Cell, 35
Anderton, Chopin, Dawson, Nutt, Whitehead, Silke, Lalaloui and Silke. (2022) Langerhans cells are an essential cellular intermediary in chronic dermatitis. Cell Reports, 39(10): 110922
Pal, Chen, Milevskiy, Vaillant, Prokopuk, Dawson, Capaldo, Song, Jackling, Timpson, Lindeman, Smyth and Visvader (2021) Single cell transcriptome atlas of mouse mammary epithelial cells across development. Breast Cancer Research, 23(1): 1–19.
Dekkers, Whittle, Vaillant, Chen, Dawson, Liu, Geurts, Herold, Clevers, Lindeman and Visvader (2019) Modeling breast cancer using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated engineering of human breast organoids. J. Natl. Cancer
Heitink, Whittle, Vaillant, Capaldo, Dekkers, Dawson, Milevskiy, Surgenor, Tsai, Chen, Christie, Chen, Smyth, Herold, Strasser, Lindeman and Visvader (2022) In vivo genome editing screen identifies tumor suppressor genes that cooperate with Trp53 loss during mammary tumorigenesis. Molecular Oncology, 16(5): 1119–1131.
Michalak, Milevskiy, Joyce, Dekkers, Jamieson, Pal, Dawson, Hu, Orkin, Alexander, Lindeman, Smyth and Visvader (2018) Canonical PRC2 function is essential for mammary gland development and affects chromatin compaction in mammary organoids. PLOS Biology, 16(8): e2004986.
Potts, Sargeant, Dawson, Josefsson, Hilton, Alexander and Taoudi. (2015) Mouse prenatal platelet-forming lineages share a core transcriptional program but divergent dependence on MPL. Blood 126(6), 807-816.
We filmed platelet production to see how each person makes 100 BILLION of them a day.
— Caleb Dawson (@calebadawson) July 27, 2020
Platelets are tiny blood cells that prevent bleeding.
They're made by giant cells in the bone marrow called megakaryocytes, but exactly how has been controversial…
We found unique breast immune cells in the duct walls – ductal macrophages. They remove dying cells, help remodelling + are key players in cancer.
— Caleb Dawson (@calebadawson) May 7, 2020
How did we get from this first sighting to finding their identity and function? Follow this thread!
We found a new immune cell in breast ducts!
— Caleb Dawson (@calebadawson) April 27, 2020
Tissue-resident ductal macrophages survey the mammary epithelium and facilitate tissue remodelling @NatureCellBio.
Paper+images+videos: #microscopy #science #research #breastcancer
Hey scientists! Are your fluorescence images colour blind friendly??
— Caleb Dawson (@calebadawson) October 16, 2018
4.5% of people are #colourblind and can't see the red in your figures.
Switch to magenta, yellow and cyan. Here is some inspiration 🔬
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